A Step Up – Cotati
A Step Up located in Cotati, is a live-in program for adults with addiction and behavioral health issues. A safe and supportive 11-bed home where residents live for up to 3-12 months, A Step Up is a place for improving emotional and physical health, while learning positive coping skills on the path to recovery and independence.
A Step Up residents benefit from program elements tailored specifically to their needs as well as a highly structured home environment where new skills are learned and practiced daily. Residents develop close working relationships with counselors as they are guided in reaching their short- and long-term goals. Staff support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Daily evidence-based support groups are offered in a variety of areas such as recovery, social skills, and independent living. Staff actively support and encourage involvement in AA, 12-Step groups, Seeking Safety, NA, and/or dual recovery support groups.

Potential residents must be:
- 18-59 years old
- A client with Sonoma County Behavioral Health
- Referred to CSN through the SCBH Linkage committee
- Funded